Our research
Sex differences in human biology
Sex differences are widespread in health and disease, but the reasons for this are poorly understood. Fundamental findings in basic and clinical research were largely ascertained in males or were agnostic to sex, resulting in disparities in the treatment of disease. The goal of our laboratory is to uncover the molecular mechanisms linking genetic and phenotypic sex differences in humans.
Research Topics
Genetic drivers of sex differences
We recently showed that X and Y chromosome copy number has significant impacts on genome-wide expression. We are now investigating regulators on the sex chromosomes that mediate differences between X and Y responses genome-wide.
Linking sex chromosome variations to phenotype
Sex chromosome aneuploidies are associated with multi-system syndromes including Turner syndrome (X) and Klinefelter syndrome (XXY). We are working to connect decreased or increased X and Y chromosome copy number with phenotypes associated with these syndromes.
Gene-hormone interactions
Sex steroid hormones are powerful regulators of human phenotypes. In males and females, hormones act extrinsically upon cells with intrinsic differences in their sex chromosome complement. We are exploring interactions between these factors.
Modeling sex differences in humans
Sex differences in gene expression are largely cell-type-specific. Thus, we need systems to study the contributors to sex differences in phenotypically-relevant cell types. We are developing human cell culture models to study sex-biased phenotypes in context.
We are an interdisciplinary lab relying heavily on human cell culture as a model system. The cells we use are derived from individuals with naturally-occurring variation in sex chromosome copy number or responsiveness to sex hormones. Most projects involve a mix of approaches in molecular genetics, genomics, epigenetics, and computational biology. This necessitates expertise in both “wet” and “dry” lab techniques, which lab members are encouraged to explore.
Credit: Scientific American
We strive to cultivate a laboratory that values collaboration, open communication, personal and scientific integrity, and respect for diverse individuals and ideas.
Recognizing that each mentee has a unique learning style and career goals, mentoring in our lab is individualized, growth-oriented, encouraging, and accessible. We commit to facilitating mentoring teams to provide well-rounded support for lab members.
We make an effort to live up to these ideals on a daily basis through practices operationalized in our lab guidelines document (under construction).